Nasi Uduk Fiber Cream Rice Cooker. Back in the days, cooking nasi uduk is just downright complicated. The rice needs to be half cooked in a pot on a stove, and then transfer to a steamer to finish the cooking process. My Mom still use that method to make her nasi uduk.
Wash and drain the rice in a sieve or colander.
Make this easy and aromatic Betawi-style nasi uduk that goes with many main and side dishes.
I'm sharing how you can make it easily with a rice cooker but it can be cooked on the stove and Instant Pot too.
Anda dapat memasak Nasi Uduk Fiber Cream Rice Cooker menggunakan 7 bahan dan 1 langkah demi langkah. Inilah cara memasak Nasi Uduk Fiber Cream Rice Cooker yang benar.
Bahan-bahan Nasi Uduk Fiber Cream Rice Cooker
- Siapkan 2 cup untuk beras.
- Anda Membutuhkan 8 sdt untuk Fiber cream.
- Anda Membutuhkan 3 lembar untuk daun salam.
- Siapkan 1 batang untuk sereh memarkan.
- Anda perlu 1 lembar untuk daun pandan.
- Anda Membutuhkan 1 sdt untuk garam.
- Anda perlu untuk Air untuk memasak beras.
Because the rice cooker environment is sealed, it reduces the air pressure over the liquid so it boils faster. A temperature sensor within the machine It's important to read the instruction manual that comes with your rice cooker and follow instructions to the letter. Wash rice several times if using imported rice. Place rice in large pot or rice cooker with coconut milk, lemongrass stick, bay leaves and salt.
Instruksi Nasi Uduk Fiber Cream Rice Cooker
- Cuci beras, daun salam, daun pandan ikat simpul. Masukkan ke rice cooker. Laurtkan fiber cream ke dalam air. Takaran air sesuai takaran untuk memasak nasi, masukkan ke rice cooker, tambah garam. Masak hingga matang..
Calories, carbs, protein, sodium, fiber and more - easily calculate from any recipe. Berbeda dengan nasi putih biasa, tekstur nasi uduk tidak lengket dan rasanya pun tidak benyek. Aromanya pun punya ciri khas tersendiri dan sangat Hanya saja, airnya diganti dengan santan. When you use a new crop (新米) - reduce the water slightly. Different brands of rice - require a slightly different amount of water. - Recipe Main Dish : Nasi uduk - betawinese scented coconut rice by Indonesia-Eats.