Base cake Blackforest. Hello sahabat lover's, Video ini akan memberikan kamu tutorial resep yang lengkap dan berhasil sesuai keinginan kamu. Black forest cake recipe with step by step pics. One of the favorite cakes liked by everyone is black forest cake.
The best black forest cake recipe I've tried, and I've tried a lot.
The cake baked up beautifully, the cherries were perfect, and the whole thing just came together wonderfully.
Black Forest Cake is one rich and decadent cake.
Anda dapat memasak Base cake Blackforest menggunakan 8 bahan dan 4 step by step. Inilah cara memasak Base cake Blackforest yang baik.
Bahan-bahan Base cake Blackforest
- Anda Membutuhkan 4 btr untuk telur.
- Anda Membutuhkan 100 gr untuk gula pasir (boleh tambah jika suka manis).
- Anda Membutuhkan 1 sdt untuk emulsifier (sy : SP).
- Anda perlu 60 gr untuk Terigu protein sedang.
- Anda Membutuhkan 25 gr untuk coklat bubuk.
- Anda perlu 10 gr untuk tepung maizena.
- Anda Membutuhkan secukupnya untuk Vanili.
- Anda Membutuhkan 75 gr untuk butter leleh.
Homemade cake, sour cherry filling, and topped with whipped cream. Everything about this rich black forest cake is mouthwatering. This classic German cake (Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte), is moist, flavorful. This deliciously moist Black Forest Cake is a cut above the rest with homemade whipped cream, rich chocolate ganache, and sweet spiked cherries.
Step by step Base cake Blackforest
- Campur telur,gula dan sp, mixer sampai putih berjejak..
- Masukin bahan kering, terigu,maizena,coklat,vanili lalu aduk rata menggunakan spatula.
- Setelah tercampur rata masukan butter leleh, lalu aduk balik menggunakan spatula hingga tercampur rata..
- Masukan ke dalam loyang ukuran 18. Lalu panggang sampai matang. Setelah matang, angkat, dinginkan, setelah dingin, kasih toping sesuai selera..
This little Vegan Black Forest Cake is perfect for a single household or a small family. Beautiful Black Forest Cake covered in whipped cream and chocolate. You can use it as the base cake for almost anything. Now often Black Forest Cake recipes call for kirsch or a cherry liquor of some kind. This homemade Black Forest cake is ALL KINDS OF DELICIOUS!